AlfonseDAmatoInterview Highlights

– “I think that Donald Trump really scored big time on the shot, which was well thought out. He (Cruz) and his people obviously said, you know, we’ll try to tie the liberal New York around Donald Trump’s neck and use that to diminish his conservative credentials, and of course it backfired.”

– I think Trump did extraordinarily well. He was the clear winner, certainly, between the battle of Ted Cruz, who’s a great debater, there’s no doubt about it, but Donald scored a real haymaker there.”

– “Attacking Bernie Sanders because he’s come up with a single-payer tax system, saying we need to have a healthcare plan and Medicare for all, and she’s (Hillary Clinton) saying, ‘Well how do you pay for it?’ My God, that’s a Republican line. So she’s sounding more like a Republican, and I think she’s helping to galvanize support for Bernie. Her campaign is now getting very concerned, to say the least.”

About Senator Alfonse D’Amato

Senator Alfonse D’Amato served as United States Senator from New York from 1981 to 1999. He is a Republican. Senator D’Amato had a distinguished 18-year career in the U.S. Senate, served as chairman of the Senate Banking Committee, was a member of the Senate Appropriations Committee – specializing in defense and transportation issues – and served on the Senate Finance Committee. The former Senator is considered an expert in the legislative and political process. While in the Senate, Senator D’Amato was known for his constituent service. D’Amato was very influential in New York Republican politics, and widely considered the “boss” of the state GOP during his Senate years. Since entering private life, the Senator founded a highly effective New York based lobbying firm Park Strategies.

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