About Bill Bratton
Bill Bratton Commissioner resigned the week of August 1, 2016 to enter private practice. In terms of terrorism, Bratton was the “Top Cop” in the world. He has previously served as the Commissioner of the Boston Police Department (BPD) (1993-1994) – New York City Police Department (NYPD) Commissioner (1994–1996) – and Chief of the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) (2002–2009). The newly elected New York City in 2013 – Mayor Bill de Blasio announced that Bratton would return to the post of Police Commissioner in New York City. Commissioner Bratton is having another successful run as Police Commissioner. Crime is down – violent crime is way down. The Commissioner has faced a number of challenges during this tenure but he has remained very loyal to the Mayor and faced down problems with professionalism and good judgement. Commissioner Bratton and his team are considered the leading world experts in terrorism and terrorist protection.