About Vincent F. DeMarco

sheriff vincent suffolk DeMarcoVincent F. DeMarco, is the Sheriff of Suffolk County, New York. He began his distinguished career as a Suffolk County Deputy Sheriff in 1994. On November 8, 2005, DeMarco was elected to the position of Sheriff of Suffolk County. On January 1, 2006, he was sworn in and became the first uniformed member of the Sheriff’s Office to be elected Sheriff and one of the youngest Sheriffs ever elected in Suffolk County. Throughout his tenure, he has made working with children and teens a priority of his Administration and believes that through education, young people will be less likely to become involved in unsafe situations and criminal activity. Suffolk County Sheriff’s Office is the oldest law enforcement agency in Suffolk County, New York, having been established in 1683. The Sheriff’s Office currently employs over 1200 people, including 898 correction officers, 254 deputy sheriffs, and 130 civilian personnel. Sheriff DeMarco recently stood beside U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions as they vowed to hunt down the vicious M-13 gang.

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