About T. Boone Pickens
T. Boone Pickens built one of the largest independent natural gas oil companies in the United States and flourished as an entrepreneur after leaving it, generating hundreds of billions of dollars in the process. Mr. Pickens left his first employer, Phillips Petroleum, and started what would become Mesa Petroleum with $2,500.Timemagazine has identified him one of it 100 most influential people,Financial World named him CEO of the Decade in 1989 and Oil and Gas Investor identified him as one of the “100 Most Influential People of the Petroleum Century.” During the past few years, his uncanny on-the-mark forecasts on the price of oil have made him the focus of major news programs and led CNBC to label him the “Oracle of Oil.” The breadth of his philanthropy — more than $1 billion — includes medical research, athletics, and academic projects. http://www.boonepickens.com/
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