Interview Highlights
– “We’re maybe even at more risk now than we were then (before September 11, 2001), it seems like we haven’t learned our lesson from the past.”
– “I’m so concerned about (the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria) and al Quaeda in Iran, and the President’s basically kind of state of denial of the dangers that Iran poses to the U.S… it reminds me of the days before 9/11, when we were in a state of denial over Bin Laden, who declared war on us.”
– “You can’t negotiate with a madman (Iran Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei), you can’t negotiate with a man who is calling for the destruction of the State of Israel, death to Americans.”
– “I think terrorists once again believe we’re a country that can be taken advantage of…the only thing they understand is the exercise of power.”
About Rudolph Giuliani
Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, was the Mayor of New York City at the time of the 9/11 attack. He gained international fame as New York City’s leader in the immediate aftermath. Giuliani was widely credited for major improvements in the city’s quality of life and rates of violent crimes. In 2002, Giuliani founded Giuliani Partners, a security consulting firm. His name invokes leadership and a calm dedicated approach to adversity and urban challenges. “America’s Mayor”
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