About Richard C. Hoagland
Richard C. Hoagland is a former museum space science Curator; a former NASA Consultant; and, during the historic Apollo Missions to the Moon, was science advisor to Walter Cronkite and CBS News. In the early 1970’s, Hoagland proposed to Carl Sagan the placement of a “message to Mankind” aboard Pioneer 10 — humanity’s “first unmanned probe of Jupiter”; subsequent to its 1973 Jovian Encounter, celestial mechanics resulted in Pioneer 10 becoming the first artifact to successfully escape the solar system into the vast Galaxy beyond — carrying “the Plaque” For the last 20 years, Hoagland has been leading an outside scientific Team in a critically acclaimed independent analysis of possible intelligently-designed artifacts on NASA and other data sets — beginning with the unmanned NASA VIKING mission to Mars in 1976, and its provocative images of a region called “Cydonia.”
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