About Reince Priebus

White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus was the Chairman of the Republican National Committee. Mr. Priebus is truly the hero of the Republican Party this year. As Chairman he held the Party together even during the dark days when Republicans were having their doubts about Mr. Trump… he held the Party together. Reince has a long history in Republican politics – working his way up through the ranks of the Republican Party of Wisconsin as 1st Congressional District Chairman – State Party Treasurer – First Vice Chair – and eventually State Party Chairman.  Priebus was the longest serving chairman in modern history – serving a total of three terms. In his first term as Chairman – Reince oversaw a dramatic turnaround of the RNC – rescuing its finances – rebuilding the operations and implementing the best ground game effort the RNC had ever organized. Now Chairman Priebus is tasked with the top job in the Whites House, Chief of Staff.

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