
Interview Highlights

– Speaks about the upcoming votes by the City Planning Commission and City Council to sell the Brooklyn Heights library. The land will be used to build condos, including units of “affordable housing” and have a smaller library branch on the ground floor. The funds from the sale will also be used to make repairs at other libraries.

– This is an example of “giving future generations less…we are selling them off bit by bit to make repairs that we should have been doing all is short-sighted.”

About Nicole Gelinas

Nicole Gelinas is a Fellow at the Manhattan Institute and a contributing editor of City Journal.  The Institute describes its policy agenda over its 25-year history as having spanned “taxes, welfare, crime, the legal system, urban life, race, education, and many other topics. Gelinas writes on urban economics and finance, municipal and corporate finance, and business issues.  Her most recent book is, After the Fall: Saving Capitalism from Wall Street and Washington.  Gelinas regularly writes op-ed analyses for the New York Post as well as pieces in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, the Los Angeles, the Boston Herald and a many more national publications.   In her op-ed Ny Post piece October 18, 2015 she asks, “Is de Blasio’s New York making life better for future generations — or worse?”  Gelinas writes on urban economics and finance, municipal and corporate finance, and business issues.  Her most recent book is, After the Fall: Saving Capitalism from Wall Street and Washington.  

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