About James Oddo

James Oddo was elected Staten Island Borough President in November 2013. Prior to his election, he served as the City Council Member representing the 50th Council district (Mid-Island and a small portion of Brooklyn) since 1999.  He also served as the City Council’s Minority Leader from 2002 to 2013. In that role, he served as a key member of the Council’s leadership team.  As Borough President, Oddo is committed to attaining necessary aid for Staten Islanders impacted by Hurricane Sandy. He recognizes the frustration and havoc the situation has caused in their lives and is an advocate for all awaiting resolution from city, state and federal programs.  In addition, Oddo is excited to see the waterfront development project for the North Shore become a reality. He wants to meet the challenges of island living by maximizing waterfront real estate with a fast ferry, reducing commute time for many residents. He also recognizes the need for infrastructure changes to meet the needs of the Island’s 500,000 residents.

To hear John CATS upcoming roundtable radio shows, tune in at 9 AM New York time every Sunday morning on 970 AM Radio: The Answer! Can’t get to a radio? Listen in online! The show is live at www.am970theanswer.com at 9 AM New York time every Sunday morning. Thanks for listening!


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