About Terry McAuliffe
Terry McAuliffe has been the Governor of Vinginia since 2013. He entered politics at the age of 23 as the national finance director for Jimmy Carter. He co-chaired President Bill Clinton’s 1996 campaign for reelection and was chairman of Hillary Clinton’s 2008 Presidential campaign. In 2000, McAuliffe was named Democratic National Committee chairman. He served in that position until 2005, during which time he broke records by raising $578 million. McAuliffe worked as chairman on Bill Clinton’s presidential campaign, and the two men became very close friends as well as regular golf partners. McAuliffe was Clinton’s chief fundraiser, and then the national co-chairman of his re-election campaign. Years later, he served as chairman for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. In 2007, McAuliffe published his memoir, What A Party!, which debuted at No. 5 on The New York Times‘ best-seller list.
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