Dr. Jurgen Weiss, head of The Brattle Group’s climate change practice, specializesin issues broadly motivated by climate change concerns, such as renewable energy, energy efficiency, energy storage, the interaction between electricity, gas and transportation, and carbon pricing and the impact these changes have on existing assets, market structures, and long-term planning needs for electric utilities in North America, Europe, and the Middle East.  The Battle Group has offices around the world.  The Battle Groups are economic consultants in all fields.  His consulting and expert testimony experience have focused on the impact of changing regulatory and incentive frameworks for low-carbon technologies, on the economics of both renewable generation sources and existing generation assets, and on the design of efficient incentive mechanisms for renewable energy, energy efficiency, energy storage, and climate change measures.

To hear John CATS upcoming roundtable radio shows, tune in at 9 AM New York time every Sunday morning on 970 AM Radio: The Answer! Can’t get to a radio? Listen in online! The show is live at www.am970theanswer.com at 9 AM New York time every Sunday morning. Thanks for listening!


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