About Chris Fischer

Chris Fischer, http://www.ocearch.org/expedition leader/founding Chairman, Member of The Explorers Club has led 20 global expeditions since 2007 to advance science and education, facilitating collaborative ocean research on apex predators (sharks) with over 50 scientists and 20 institutions. Fischer’s goals are to enable scientists and governments around the world to generate groundbreaking open-sourced data while enabling dynamic STEM education for school children. OCEARCH is a recognized world leader in generating critical scientific data related to tracking (telemetry) and biological studies of keystone marine species such as great white and tiger sharks, in conjunction with conservation outreach and education at a measurable global scale.

 To hear John CATS upcoming roundtable radio shows, tune in at 9 AM New York time every Sunday morning on 970 AM Radio: The Answer! Can’t get to a radio? Listen in online! The show is live at www.am970theanswer.com at 9 AM New York time every Sunday morning. Thanks for listening!


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