guests4This Week’s Guests on John CATS Roundtable Radio Show include(Sunday, May 10th 2015):

◉ Senator Rand Paul – Kentucky Senator and candidate for President

◉ U.S. Senator Richard Burr is the senior U.S. Senator from North Carolina, having served since 2005.

◉ Governor Rick Snyder is the 48th and current Governor of Michigan.

◉ Former NYPD Commissioner Howard Safir was New York City Fire Commissioner from 1994 to 1996 and New York City Police Commissioner from 1996 to 2000.

To hear John CATS upcoming roundtable radio shows, tune in at 9 AM New York time every Sunday morning on 970 AM Radio: The Answer! Can’t get to a radio? Listen in online! The show is live at at 9 AM New York time every Sunday morning. Thanks for listening!