During this past Thursday’s White House coronavirus briefing, President Trump and the task force came together to combat the virus; they introduced new guidelines for states to get back moving as soon as May 1st, with governors, such as New York’s Andrew Cuomo, discussing their own guidelines to get parts of their states working again.
“We are not opening all at once, but one careful step at a time,” Trump announced.
The guidelines from the White House came as China revised its death statistics by up to 50%, and the World Health Organization faced mounting backlash for its dissemination reports out of Beijing that downplayed the virus.
President Trump’s attorney and former New York Mayor, Rudy Giuliani, joined The Cats Roundtable to talk about the White House’s response, as well as the larger implications for the WHO, China, and Americans as the virus works its way around the world.
Giuliani railed China, saying that the choices made at the start of the pandemic have rippled “around the world.” He was particularly critical of the Director-General of the World Health Organization, Tedros Adhanom, who has been facing mounting pressure, along with the WHO, for what is being framed as a kowtowing to China. The WHO initially reported that the virus, which originated in Wuhan, China, was not as contagious as it has turned out to be; while China’s current revision of its death rate and total cases, cast the initial numbers touted by the country into doubt.
Giuliani told The Cats Roundtable that this initial faith in the reports out of China by the WHO undermined the possibility of “more skepticism” of the information coming from the country.
“He is in the pocket of China,” Giuliani said about the Director-General. “He did everything China wanted.”
Giuliani called for a defunding of the WHO, which receives over 800 million dollars annually from the U.S., if China is “controlling the place.”
He was unequivocal for his support for the President’s response to the pandemic, and told The Cats Roundtable the current crisis enforces the “America first” argument Trump has made all along.
Giuliani accused past Presidents for a policy of wanting to be popular in the world before taking care of the people in the U.S.
“What I think Trump has done is reverse” the trend, Giuliani explained. “First thing you got to take care of is your family, then you take care of everybody else—you don’t do it the other way around.”
He criticized Democratic Presidential candidate, Joe Biden, for his lack of presence during the pandemic, while the President and other leaders kept the American people updated, telling The Cats Roundtable that Biden seems to be “running for President out of his basement.”
Governors on both sides of the political aisle look to their own plans for reopening their states, Giuliani praised the President’s response as a “magnificent job.” But he railed against Democrats, like Nancy Pelosi, for continuing to draw the political battle lines during the crisis, despite the call for bipartisanship.
But Giuliani cited the perseverance of Americans through September 11th as an example for the fortitude and stamina required of Americans now.
“We’re going to come out of this,” he said. “We’re going to be stronger.”
Listen to the interview below
The post Rudy Giuliani: We Will Come Out of This Stronger appeared first on CATS Roundtable – Radio Show.