
Interview Highlights

– On the recent Democratic Presidential debate: “Bernie Sanders virtually applauded Hillary for destroying her emails, I have a list of 13 criminal statutes that Hillary allegedly violated with her conduct. She got away with murder. … This was like a love-fest.”

–  On Donald Trump and the Republican Presidential GOP field: “From the very beginning I have said, ‘Do not take him (Trump) lightly. He is one of the three that I would have to put (as having a) chance of being the next President. I would still put Bush there, I have a high regard for him. And I’m beginning to see kind of a surge for (Florida Sen. Marco) Rubio. I wouldn’t be so uncomfortable with Ben Carson in the White House.”

About Mayor Rudolph Giuliani

Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, was the Mayor of New York City at the time of the 9/11 attack. He gained international fame as New York City’s leader in the immediate aftermath. Giuliani was named Time magazine’s Person of the Year for 2001.  Giuliani was widely credited for major improvements in the city’s quality of life and rates of violent crimes.  In 2002, Giuliani founded Giuliani Partners, a security consulting firm. Since leaving office as Mayor Giuliani has remained a tremendous political force.  His name across the Country and abroad invokes leadership and a calm dedicated approach to adversity and urban challenges.  “America’s Mayor”

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