About Michael Caputo
Michael Caputo, a communications adviser for many months during the Trump campaign, testified for three plus hours before the House Intelligence
Committee Friday afternoon July 7, 2017. He testified “in his opinion, the Russia scandal comes down to two words: “collusion delusion.” “I completely believe there was no collusion in the Trump campaign, but all I can do is speak for myself and the people I’m close with. He characterized the hearing as a “fishing expedition.” Caputo grew up in Southtowns, Buffalo, New York, and gained public relations experience with the United States Army. He worked for the Reagan Administration in propaganda efforts in Central America and South America. Caputo then went to work for the United States House of Representatives as assistant director of the Radio and Television Correspondents’ Association. He served as director of media services on the campaign for president George H.W. Bush in the 1992 United States presidential election.

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