About Nathaniel B. Davis
MAJ Nathaniel B. Davis is a major in the United States Army and is the Director of Defense & Strategic Studies, and a scholar at the Modern War Institute at the United States Military Academy at West Point. MAJ Davis was commissioned as an Armor officer upon graduation from the University of Michigan where is majored in Political Science, History, and Studies in Religion. Stationed at Camp Casey, Republic of Korea, he served as a tank platoon leader and support platoon leader in the 1st Battalion, 72nd Armor. Upon completion of the Armor Captains’ Career Course, MAJ Davis served as the Multi-National Division-Baghdad, Information Operations, Chief of Operations in Baghdad, Iraq during Operation Together Forward II. Upon his return to Fort Hood, TX, MAJ Davis assumed command of Delta Company, 1st Battalion, 22nd Infantry, trained the unit to deploy, and led them through the Iraqi Surge campaign in Baghdad, Iraq. MAJ Davis holds a Ph.D. in War Studies from King’s College London and the academic rank of Assistant Professor. He teaches courses in Research Methods, Strategic Studies Capstone, and Advanced Individual Study.
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