
Interview Highlights

– States that according to his sources, investigators have “expanded the investigation to a new area, which is: The bureau is investigating whether Hillary and Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills, her (Hillary Clinton’s) closest aides, whether they violated the law by giving false statements to the FBI, and that’s a felony, subject to five years in prison.”

– “If Hillary drops out because she has to drop out, Elizabeth Warren might seriously — according to my sources — consider coming in and trying to save the party.”

– “I think the (Republican) Cleveland convention in July of 2016 will, for the first time in modern memory, be an open convention where no one comes with a majority of the votes, I think it’s going to be one heck of a story to watch because it’s going to be elbows, sharp elbows, fists, you name it, behind the scenes.” 

– Believes the race for the Republican presidential nod will come down to businessman Donald Trump, retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson and Sens. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Marco Rubio (R-Fla.). 

About Edward Klein

Edward Klein is an  editor, writer and public speaker.  He worked for Newsweek, where he became foreign editor and then assistant managing editor with jurisdiction over foreign and military affairs.  From Newsweek, he joined The New York Times. As editor in chief of The New York Times Magazine, he led this flagship publication of the Sunday Times to new heights of public interest and editorial excellence. During his editorship, The New York Times Magazine won the first Pulitzer Prize in its history.  His nonfiction books have all appeared on The New York Times Best Seller List. They include: The Truth About Hillary;  Katie: The Real Story; Ted Kennedy: The Dream That Never Died; The Amateur: Barack Obama in the White House; and  Blood Feud: The Clintons Vs. The Obamas. His latest book is Unlikeable: The Problem With Hillary.

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