
About Dr. Ruth Westheimer

Dr. Ruth Westheimer is a psychosexual therapist who sprang to national attention in the early 1980s with her live radio program, Sexually Speaking. She went on to have her own TV program, appeared on the cover of People magazine and TV Guide, and is the author of thirty-seven books. Few of Dr. Ruth’s fans know she narrowly escaped death from the Holocaust, was raised in an orphanage in Switzerland, or that she was a sniper during Israel’s War of Independence.  In spite of these difficulties, Dr. Ruth has always had an insatiable zest for life, what she calls her “joie de vivre.”Fans of all ages can find her at, on Twitter @AskDrRuth, A one-woman show about her life, Dr. Ruth, All The Way, is currently touring. Dr. Ruth teaches at Columbia’s Teachers College. She lives in New York and has two children and four grandchildren.

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