About Dr. Phil Stieg

Dr. Phil Stieg, head of neurosurgery and chair of Weill Cornell Medicine Brain and Spine Center.  He is a world-renowned neurosurgeon with expertise in cerebrovascular disorders and skull base surgery. He is the Chairman and founder of the Weill Cornell Brain and Spine Center, the leading neuroscience patient care center in New York City.  In 2010 Dr. Stieg launched the Weill Cornell Surgical Innovations Lab, the first global multimedia neurosurgical teaching facility in the world.  Dr. Stieg is a widely published author and internationally known lecturer and has been named by Castle Connolly Medical as one of the nation’s Top Doctors for 15 years in a row. He is currently the president of the Brain Tumor Foundation and president of the New York board of the American Heart Association. He was the creator and host of the successful NPR radio show “How to Save Your Life.” Dr. serves as an advisor to the Defense Department on brain injury.

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