Anthony Scaramucci is the founder and former managing Partner of Skybridgeanthony scaramucciCapital, a very large, successful hedge fund on Wall Street.  Prior to Skybridge, Mr. Scaramucci founded Oscar Capital Management and was at Goldman Sachs before that.  Mr. Scaramucci is ranked in the top 100 global financial managers by Worth Magazine.  Mr. Scaramucci is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.  He sits on the boards of the Kennedy Center Fund, the Brain Tumor Foundation and Businessmen For National Security (BENS).  He was a member of the New York City Financial Services Advisory Committee from 2007 to 2012. In November 2016, he was named to President-Elect Trump’s 16-person Presidential Transition Team Executive Committee. In June 2017, he was named the Chief Strategy Officer of the EXIM Bank. He served as the White House Communications Director for a period in July 2017.

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