Ambassador Eleni Kounalakis is the candidate for Lt. Governor of California in 2018. She was the U.S. Ambassador to Hungary under President Barack Obama. In 1992, Eleni started her career as a staff member of the California Democratic Party in Sacramento and worked in the historic election, which elected two women to the U.S. Senate. After the election, Eleni joined her family business, AKT Development and over the next 18 years, Eleni worked her way up from project manager to president. In 2010, Eleni was appointed by President Barack Obama as the U.S. Ambassador to Hungary and served side-by-side President Obama and Secretary Hillary Clinton promoting democracy. She is the author of the highly acclaimed book, Madam Ambassador, Three Years of Diplomacy, Dinner Parties and Democracy in Budapest. Campaign for Lt. Governor of California 2018:
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