About Bill Richardson

Governor Bill Richardson has led a distinguished public-service career for more than 30 years as a U.S. Congressman (1982-1996) – U. S. Ambassador to the United Nations (1997-1998) – andbill richardson serious Secretary of Energy under President Bill Clinton (1998-2000). As a diplomat and Special Envoy – Richardson has received four Nobel Peace Prize nominations – and has successfully won the release of hostages and American servicemen in North Korea – Cuba – Iraq and the Sudan. Since entering life as a private citizen in 2011 – he has authored three books. Governor Richardson has formed a new foundation called: Richardson Center for Global Engagement which promotes global peace and dialogue by identifying and working on areas of opportunity for engagement and citizen diplomacy with countries and communities not usually open to more formal diplomatic relations. http://www.richardsondiplomacy.org/about-us/

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